It turns out that my daughters can talk to each other; even though one of them can't yet talk. Here's how I know.
When One Sleeps, The Other Awakens
Oh look, it's time for daddy to eat!It never fails. Within minutes of one girl laying down, the other awakens. It's like they have little transponders built in. When the head contacts the pillow a signal gets sent "dee-deet-da-dee-dee-dee-Daddy is alone Daddy is alone WAKE UP! If they're both awake and one goes down, the message changes slightly to "STAY AWAKE Daddy will be alone!".
Alyssa Always Knows When It's Time To Eat
Whether it's a no-brainer like the toaster oven dinging (anyone can figure that out) or the knowledge that a pizza delivery is imminent, the child always knows when it's time for mommy or daddy to eat. She can be the happiest baby on the block or sound asleep, but when dining is about to occur she's, as K would say, "AVAKE"!
They Always Know What Buttons To Push
I'm going to sleep, Issa is on duty.Sometimes this works to my advantage. For example, when there's a program on and daddy gets pulled into a dirty diaper, Kaitlyn always hits the pause button on the remote control. Other times, say at 5AM, she knows which button on the TV will turn on the a reasonable volume (for waking the dead). Or there's Issa who, at 3AM knows how to push daddy's buttons by staying quiet just long enough for him to get back into bed, put his head on the pillow, and start to fall asleep. If she's not telepathic, then she has a camera mounted in my room. And that's just freaky.