Day 5: Mt. Vernon


Mt. Vernon, the museum, and Hard Rock Cafe sums up Day 5.

Mint green...what was GW thinking?? His dining room was mint green!! A beautiful home though and an excellent piece of property, Mt. Vernon was quite impressive. Location, location, location!! In addition to the tour of the house, we walked the grounds and checked out the old tomb, the new burial grounds, and some other functional areas of the grounds like the stables and servant's quarters. No pictures were allowed inside the house, but we did snap some outside. It's no Hearst Castle, but like I said, location, location, location.

After Mt. Vernon, we headed "downtown" to D.C. to get Chris' HRC shirt. With a little extra time before we had to be home for dinner, we took a little walk and ended up at the Museum of American History. I could kill a whole week in that place, but I had to settle for about an hour. I never made it past the electricity exhibit...I couldn't help it, the conversation was so enticing.

After a superb dinner with Chris' family, we met my friend Gabriela at Union Station for a drink. We all went to high school together and she's finishing up an internship with the American History Museum.


Day 6: D.C.

Day 4: Baltimore