Day 10: PA to Boston

Dawn Smith's Brick

The day of the sponsors. This is, so far, my favorite day of the trip. We woke up and rented some bikes with Bill & Liz and Arlene & Tim & Co. and rode up and down the boardwalk. Along the way we stopped and had some breakfast and occasionally investigated some of the many shops that were opening up for the day. The ride was a great way to wake up and once again we found it hard to break away. But, duty calls and we finally hit the road. Northbound on the Expressway (btw, the east coast is a very expensive place to drive) we admired the random pay phones on the side of the road. What the hell?? We also stopped at a historic viewpoint for a photo-op where, after explaining to an older couple about the signs on our car, we were asked if we had any reefer. Folks in these parts are just so friendly. Sorry, I'm all out, but I have some sparklers in the trunk.

We hit some turbulence along the way in New York as we went over the George Washington Bridge, but eventually we arrived in Westford, CT, home of my good friend JoHanna, of Crazy Call fame. Jo is settled now in her new home in CT with her new husband, and her new baby on the way. Too bad she doesn't live in New Jersey or that would have been quite a sentence! It was great to see her and her incredible house, complete with a little tiny itty bitty boat dock that lets you float out (eventually) into the ocean. Very cool. I think I'll be headin' back to this neck of the woods.

Unfortunately our visit was rather short in CT, as we had to move on to satisfy another ROAD SCHOLAR sponsor. Dawn Smith graduated from the University of Rhode Island in...well, actually, we're not at liberty to say. At any rate, her parents purchased a brick for her in the courtyard of the university. Of course, I make it sound like we knew exactly what we were looking for and where it was. In reality, we drove over hill and dale to find the University, then had to investigate the location of the aforementioned brick courtyard, and finally we located the brick in question. It was a daunting task, but THE ROAD SCHOLARS prevailed. Unfortunately, our next quest was not as successful.

As you all know, I collect state mugs. Since I have yet to add Rhode Island to the collection, we endeavored to do so after our URI success. Feeling confident, we stopped at the local Super Shop & Go...not just you're everyday Shop & Go, but a Super Shop & Go. I knew it was a long shot but I thought I'd try anyway. I inquired with the very lovely Jeanelle (sorry, I didn't have the digital camera with me but if she reads this and would kindly send a photo...) if the Super Shop & Go (SS&G) carried the item in question. She knew immediately what I was looking for and insisted they carried it. Her manager, Amy, was not so sure. After a brief discussion, they decided my best bet was the airport, which happened to be on our way to Boston. I decided to go ahead and pick up a few items at the SS&G anyway in order to get some cash back and resupply our dwindling supply. Naturally, my card would not go through. Tried it for the amount only. No good. Chris tried his. No good. Fine, I'll use my credit card to buy my Fig Newtons and gum. Thankfully the in-store ATM did allow me to withdraw some cash. Chris was not so fortunate. I relayed my victory to Amy, asked her to give Jeanelle my number, and we were off to the airport.

It cost us $2 at the airport to park the car and find out that all the shops were closed. At least I found out before going through the dreaded metal detector ordeal. Thanks for trying ladies, but no mug. This was no longer a side-show, it was a quest, a quest for a mug with the words RHODE FRICKIN' ISLAND on it. The local service station gave me directions to a 24-hour CVS pharmacy about 10 miles away that was closed. Funny thing the way these East Coast folks do things.

We made it to Boston, but my mug quest was to no avail. I grudgingly conceded this one to Rhode Island, but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve and you can bet I'll get my mug.

From The Road: Issue 3

Day 9: PA and the Jersey Shore